Jorge “Rookie” Araujo, a native of Downey, California, embarked on his entrepreneurial journey during his freshman year at Warren High School. He launched a dropshipping website that quickly gained traction for its innovative shoe crease protectors, even catching the eye of World Star in 2019. By his junior year, Jorge founded Monarchs EXOTICS LLC, where he successfully wholesaled around 100 cars. His ambitions didn’t stop there; he then established 747imports LLC, securing prestigious contracts from Japan and specializing in exclusive JDM cars, including Nissan GT-Rs, Toyota Supras, and Mazda RX7s, catering to car investors and high-profile clients.
Jorge’s expertise extended to building motors and performing motorswaps on exotic vehicles, leading him to open an automotive shop in Los Angeles. Despite being forced to close this venture, his entrepreneurial spirit remained unshaken. Jorge pivoted to the pharmaceutical industry, creating PharmaFlex, a company dedicated to supplying dental and surgical equipment to clinics across America.
Holding both an HMDR License and an Auto Wholesale License, Jorge is committed to hard work and continual improvement. His ultimate goal is to lead a balanced and harmonious life, prioritizing his physical, mental, and spiritual well-being, and crafting a lifestyle that supports his passion and success in every venture he pursues.